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1.Code Switch:

- 6-8 players per game, each player must project their voice so others may hear.

- A person is randomly selected to start a 3-5 word code. If he/she fails to make a code they out. 

- The after code is made that must choose a person to say the code without using the same words.

- If the code will keep going until some fails to make a code.

2.Word game:

- 4 players per game, a person is randomly selected to choose a category( Games, TV Shows).

-  After you choose the category, you say something out of that category. Each play has 10 sec.

- The person to your left must say something from that category.

- They so must use the end letter of the previous player thing. Repeating answers is not allowed. 


- 4 players per game, a person is randomly selected, they must impersonate an actor some.

- That person isn’t allowed to talk, and they must act out a scene from one of the actor movies.

- Starting on the person on your left, the other player will try to guess the actor, 2 tries per player.

- If someone guess right you are out, the person on your does his, if they don't get it you stay.

4.Rock steady:

- 2 players per game, the tallest person goes first. 

- Each player's objective is to get the other to laugh or move without touching them. - If they are able to make one of them happen that is the the victor, if not the game will go on.

- Any method is allowed except touching the other player.


- Two team of three  the oldest person of each group will make a secret their group 

- The other 2 teams with pieces of the secret to the other teams tallest.

- Each teammate can only leak 2 pieces of the secret, the tallest must guess the secret

- Each tallest gets 3 tries to guess. Who guesses the other secret wins.


- 5 players per game, a person is randomly selected, they must say a phrase and point to anyone.

- The player who was pointed must say another phrase that rhymes with the previous players.

- This is a fast game so if a person takes to long they get out. 

- Phrases can’t be repeated 


- 8-any amount of player, tallest person must leave the room.

- Every has 5 mins to change something about the room. Like putting something on a table.

- It doesn't have to be a massive change.

- The tallest person comes back and says 3 things that changed, if can’t the next tallest person goes.


- 2 players per game, the tallest person goes first.

- first must choose a topic to argue with the other person on 

- To win the other person must must admit defeat 

- you can not repeat. Once you state a reason it's the other person's turn. 

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